Brussels, 15th December 2017 - The FCC repeals the so-called net neutrality that prohibits broadband providers from blocking websites or charging for higher quality services and certain content.

The Electronic Retailing Association Europe (ERA Europe) notes with greatest concern the most recent repeal of the so called Net Neutrality rules by the US authority FCC regarding the US markets. ERA Europe appeals to all European institutions to safeguard these principles for the European consumers and businesses.

ERA Europe has learned with great concern that the FCC has repealed the net neutrality principles for the US market. ERA (US), the sister association of ERA Europe, yesterday announced in a PR release that “the FCC has effectively ended net neutrality, undoing years of hard work and bipartisan agreement,” McClellan, ERA (US) Vice President, Government Relations stated that “it is unfortunate that the FCC has disregarded the will of millions of Americans who have contacted the commission to voice their fears and concerns of discrimination at the hands of a few large internet providers. Consumers and businesses big and small will suffer.“

The Electronic Retailing Association supports the standards set forth in the 2015 Open Internet Order that ensures blocking and throttling are not permitted. Our member companies will continue to fight to preserve these critical net neutrality protections. We fully support the reported efforts for further litigation of this ruling. In addition, we look to Congress for its leadership and oversight function to preserve and protect robust and enforceable net neutrality standards for all.”

ERA Europe is convinced that safeguarding the net neutrality rules for the European markets will ensure fair and balanced access to the markets for all market players and businesses. We believe abolishing these principles will affect the ability of smaller companies to compete with the big monopolies and therefore harm the interest of consumers with regards to enjoying effective competition between different online marketplaces.

Dr. Julian Oberndörfer, CEO of ERA Europe, said that “establishing business principles as we see them now in the US market is not in the interest of the consumers. Net neutrality shelters smaller and medium sized companies from internet giants and therefore against the complete corporate takeover of much of online and e-commerce life. We see the danger of further expanding vertically integrated monopolies. Discrimination of information, opinions, contentand trade as well as rising prices and unfair competition are to be feared and cannot be in the interest of the consumer or businesses”.

Press Release
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